
No saturation in the accumulation of alien species worldwide

Although research on human-mediated exchanges of species has substantially intensified
during the last centuries, we know surprisingly little about temporal dynamics of alien species
accumulations across regions and taxa. Using a novel database of 45,813 first records of
16,926 established alien species, we show that the annual rate of first records worldwide has
increased during the last 200 years, with 37% of all first records reported most recently
(1970–2014). Inter-continental and inter-taxonomic variation can be largely attributed to the

La circolazione delle anfore puniche nell’area laziale e nell’Etruria meridionale

Lo studio delle anfore puniche in area tirrenica è attualmente concentrato sull’areale centro-sud del Mediterraneo ed in particolar modo nelle aree di sfera punica, mentre studi specifici sono stati effettuati per alcune aree dell’Italia meridionale. Poco si sa sui commerci punici nell’area laziale. Le attestazioni per quel che riguarda il VI-V a.C., ovvero la fase arcaica, sembrano concentrarsi in Etruria meridionale creando un vuoto nell’area romana e nel cosiddetto Latium Vetus. Tale vuoto sembra colmarsi a partire dal IV sec.

Foreigners from Eastern Mediterranean at Ostia, Portus and Puteoli in the imperial period. A reconsideration of the matter through the analysis of funerary inscriptions

Funerary inscriptions may offer a very important insight in the main activities undertaken by the deceased during their life and in a few cases they can also reveal their origins. Even if with caution, mostly because of the difficulty of considering the remaining epigraphic documents as really representative of the actual social situation, we can consider the funerary sphere as a substantial image of the various different people and cultures living and meeting each other in the harbour cities.

The European Union and sustainable development. A Study on Unilateral Trade Measures

The European Union has the ambition to be one of the largest markets and one of the most influential trade actors in the globalized economy, but also the mission to spread the values and principles at the foundations of the European integration process: democracy, the rule of law, respect and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, environmental protection and sustainable development. This twofold mission is at the origin of the measures which are the object of this book.

A hoard of Nilotic nacreous shells from Egypt to Jericho (Early Bronze II, 3000–2800 BCE). Their finding, content and historical archaeological implications

The Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho, is amongst the earliest “cities” that rose in the Southern Levant between the end of 4th and the beginning of the 3rd millennium BCE. The site is being excavated, studied and rehabilitated for tourism by Sapienza University of Rome and the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities since 1997. In 2017, during the 13th season of excavation, an unexpected discovery occurred: five Chambardia rubens shells have been found piled up in a dwelling unit dating back to the Early Bronze Age IB-II.

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