
Urban Transport Policies in the Time of Pandemic, and After. An ARDUOUS Research Agenda

While the new virus spreads worldwide and vaccines are yet to come, transport policy makers face a dilemma: how mobility is going to change? The situation is not unprecedented. But, unlike in past times when medical science was at early stages and little technology was available, counteractions currently undertaken by national and supranational governments integrate highest medical knowledge and technological skills with new, fast-adaptive lifestyles and transport patterns.

Transit network design for small-medium size cities

This paper proposes a novel heuristic to solve the network design problem for public transport in small-medium size cities. Such cities can be defined as those with a diameter of a few kilometers with up to a few hundred thousand residents. These urban centers present a specific spatial configuration affecting the land use and mobility system. Transportation demand is widespread in origin and concentrated in a small number of attraction points close to each other.

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