
Computational singular perturbation method and tangential stretching rate analysis of large scale simulations of reactive flows: feature tracking, time scale characterization, and cause/effect identification. Part 2, analyses of ignition systems, lam

This chapter provides a review of the basic ideas at the core of the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) method and the Tangential Stretching Rate (TSR) analysis. It includes a coherent summary of the theoretical foundations of these two methodologies while emphasizing theirmutual interconnections. The main.

Computational singular perturbation method and tangential stretching rate analysis of large scale simulations of reactive flows: feature tracking, time scale characterization, and cause/effect identification. Part 1, basic concepts

This chapter provides a review of the basic ideas at the core of the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) method and the Tangential StretchingRate (TSR) analysis. It includes a coherent summary of the theoretical foundations of these two methodologies while emphasizing theirmutual interconnections. The main.

DNS study of dust particle resuspension in a fusion reactor induced by a transonic jet into vacuum

This paper reports on a two-phase flow Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) aimed at analyzing the resuspension of solid particles from a surface hit by a transonic jet inside a low pressure container. Conditions similar to those occurring in a fusion reactor vacuum vessel during a Loss of Vacuum Accident (LOVA) have been considered. Indeed, a deep understanding of the resuspension phenomenon is essential to make those reactors safe and suitable for a large-scale sustainable energy production. The jet Reynolds and Mach numbers are respectively set to 3300 and 1.

Application of the exact regularized point particle method (ERPP) to particle laden turbulent shear flows in the two-way coupling regime

The Exact Regularized Point Particle method (ERPP), which is a new inter-phase momentum coupling ap- proach, is extensively used for the first time to explore the response of homogeneous shear turbulence in presence of different particle populations. Particle suspensions with different Stokes number and/or mass loading are considered. Particles with Kolmogorov Stokes number of order one suppress turbulent kinetic energy when the mass loading is increased. In contrast, heavier particles leave this observable almost un- changed with respect to the reference uncoupled case.

Application of the exact regularised point particle method (ERPP) to bubbleladen turbulent shear flows in the two-way coupling regime

Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of a bubbly laden homogeneous shear flow has beencarried out using the Exact Regularised Point Particle method (ERRP) as inter-phase mo-mentum coupling approach. The aim of the study consists in addressing the modulationof shear turbulence and the bubble clustering geometry in presence of different inter-phasemomentum coupling conditions. Suspensions with different combinations of void fractionand Kolmogorov-based Stokes number, in the dilute regime, have been addressed. Bubblessuppress the turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation as well.

Turbulent contributions to Ohm's law in axisymmetric magnetized plasmas

The effect of magnetic turbulence in shaping the current density profile in axisymmetric magnetized plasmas is analyzed using a turbulent extension of Ohm's law derived from the self-consistent action-angle transport theory. Besides the well-known hyper-resistive (helicity conserving) contribution, the generalized Ohm's law contains an anomalous resistivity term and a turbulent bootstrap-like term proportional to the current density derivative.

Effects of atmospheric precipitations and turbulence on satellite Ka-band synthetic aperture radar

Spaceborne synthetic aperture radars (SARs) operating at L-band and above are nowadays a well-established tool for Earth remote sensing. In this respect, a new frontier of technological and scientific progress is represented by satellite Ka-Band SARs. Since approximately 2010, a number of European Space Agency (ESA) studies have been funded in this direction. The main identified benefit of Ka-band systems is that the short wavelength allows the implementation on a single platform of single-pass interferometry, both cross-track and along-track, with adequate interferometric sensitivity.

Hydrodynamic 2D turbulence and spatial beam condensation in multimode optical fibers

We show that Kerr beam self-cleaning results from parametric mode mixing instabilities that generate a number of nonlinearly interacting modes with randomized phases - optical wave turbulence, followed by a direct and inverse cascade towards high mode numbers and condensation into the fundamental mode, respectively. This optical self-organization effect is an analogue to wave condensation that is well known in hydrodynamic 2D turbulence.

Simultaneous aggregation and oxidation of nZVI in Rushton equipped agitated vessel. Experimental and modelling

The aim of this work was to investigate the aggregation of metallic iron nanoparticles in a Rushton equipped agitated vessel open at the atmosphere. The particles were synthetized using oxygen-free reagent solutions and subsequently were suspended in water in an open lab-scale agitated vessel. The particle size distribution, zeta-potential, pH and Fe(0) content were monitored over the time, up to the complete oxidation of the particles.

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