
Least squares optimization: From theory to practice

Nowadays, Nonlinear Least-Squares embodies the foundation of many Robotics and Computer Vision systems. The research community deeply investigated this topic in the last few years, and this resulted in the development of several open-source solvers to approach constantly increasing classes of problems. In this work, we propose a unified methodology to design and develop efficient Least-Squares Optimization algorithms, focusing on the structures and patterns of each specific domain.

A Stepwise Approach to Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses of Endovascular Interventions

The accrual of clinical studies poses important challenges to researchers and practitioners, especially in the field of endovascular therapy, where patient, lesion, technique, and device subtleties abound. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses may prove particularly fruitful in such settings by increasing statistical precision and bolstering external validity if the evidence base on a specific topic is consistent or by highlighting important discrepancies in the opposite scenario.

Applicazioni GIS. Principi metodologici e linee di ricerca. Esercitazioni ed esemplificazioni guida

.Grazie all’accortezza con cui sono affrontati i diversi argomenti e alla ponderata sequenza con cui gli stessi sono presentati, il volume rappresenta un riferimento ideale sia per chi muove i primi passi verso l’uso di tali strumenti, fondamentali nella formazione del geografo moderno, sia per chi intende approfondire le proprie conoscenze e competenze, acquisendo abilità operative da sviluppare in ipotesi progettuali.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma