uk supreme court

Rule of law e Parliamentary Sovereignt. A margine della decisione della UK Supreme Court sul UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill

Nell'esprimersi sul cd. Scottish Continuity Bill nell'ambito della vicenda relativa alla Brexit, la UK Surpreme Court ha messo in opera quali canoni decisionali i principi della rule of law e della sovereignty of Parliament dandone una interpretazione piuttosto restrittiva nel senso dei poteri delle assemblee legislative delle Nations.

Garanzie formali ed indipendenza "sostanziale" delle corti nell'esperienza britannica

In the English common law system, separation of powers is understood very differently from Continental Europe. Indeed, constitutional evolution in Continental Europe has been marked by the emergence of a rigid model of division of the legislative, executive and judicial powers. In England, on the other hand, the rule of law has contributed to making the system more “fluid”, without triggering a real delimitation of the spheres of public power. Having in mind this, the Constitutional Reform Act contains a number of rules aiming to entrench the independence of the judiciary.

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