
Multiple-ring circular array for ground-penetrating radar applications: basic ideas and preliminary results

In this paper, the possibility of using a multiple- ring circular array as an antenna array for Ground-Pene- trating Radar systems is investigated. The theory behind the proposed idea is presented. The preliminary numerical re- sults that are obtained suggest that the proposed configura- tion is promising. It allows achieving a wide frequency band and low dynamic range ratio of excitations, thus simplifying the feeding network. Further interesting requirements may be satisfied by exploiting a combination of deterministic and stochastic synthesis techniques to design the array.

Wideband and UWB antennas for wireless applications. A comprehensive review

A comprehensive review concerning the geometry, the manufacturing technologies, the materials, and the numerical techniques, adopted for the analysis and design of wideband and ultrawideband (UWB) antennas for wireless applications, is presented. Planar, printed, dielectric, and wearable antennas, achievable on laminate (rigid and flexible), and textile dielectric substrates are taken into account.

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