
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the velocity fields induced by submerged breakwaters

We propose a three-dimensional numerical model for non-hydrostatic free surface flows in which the Navier-Stokes equations are expressed in integral form on a coordinate system in which the vertical coordinate is varying in time. By a time-dependent coordinate transformation, the irregular time varying physical domain is transformed into a uniform fixed computational domain, in which the equations of motion are numerically integrated by a shock-capturing scheme based on WENO reconstruction and an approximate HLL Riemann Solver.

Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional velocity fields induced by wave-structure interaction

Submerged shore-parallel breakwaters for coastal defence are a good compromise between the need to mitigate the effects of waves on the coast and the ambition to ensure the preservation of the landscape and water quality. In this work we simulate, in a fully three-dimensional form, the hydrodynamic effects induced by submerged breakwaters on incident wave trains with different wave height.

Numerical Simulation of the Shoreline Modifications behind a T-Head Groin

In this paper, the shoreline and bottom modifications produced by the presence of a T-head groin are simulated. We present a model for the bottom-change simulation, composed by two sub-models: a two-dimensional phase-resolving model for the simulation of the variation of the fluid dynamic variables inside the wave period and that takes into account the undertow; a second morphodynamic sub-model for the simulation of the bottom changes, in which the suspended sediment concentration is calculated by means of the wave-averaged advection-diffusion equation.

Numerical simulation of the sea bottom modifications behind a T-head groin

In this paper, we simulate the sea bottom modifications produced by the presence of a T-head groin. We present a simulation model of sea bottom modifications composed of two sub-models: a two-dimensional phase-resolving model that simulate the variation of the fluid dynamic variables inside the wave; a second sub-model to simulate the sea bottom modifications, in which the suspended sediment concentration is calculated by the wave-averaged advection-diffusion equation. The fluid motion equation and the concentration equation are expressed in a new contravariant formulation.

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