
An optimal control approach to public investments for unemployment reduction

The paper deals with the modelling and the control of a job market dynamics which considers unemployed individuals and two classes of jobs: a temporary one, characterised by a lower quality of economical treatment and/or long duration assurance for the workers, and a regular one, more stable and economically more satisfactory. For each of the two classes, the active workers as well as the vacancies are considered. Control actions are introduced, representing different government efforts devoted to the quantity and the quality improvements of the work.

Vivere senza un lavoro. Positività e salute psicofisica in un campione di disoccupati

Questo studio esamina, in un campione di disoccupati, il ruolo della positività e la sua capacità di sostenere la salute mentale e fisica, diminuendo gli effetti dello stress economico percepito e promuovendo i comportamenti rilevanti per la salute. Sono stati intervistati 101 disoccupati (51.5% femmine) tra i 35 e i 45 anni con un disegno "cross-sectional". Tramite un Modello di Equazioni Strutturali, la positività è risultata positivamente associata alla salute mentale attraverso la diminuzione dello stress economico percepito e l'adozione dei comportamenti rilevanti per la salute.

Forecasting dynamically asymmetric fluctuations of the U.S. business cycle

The generalized smooth transition autoregression (GSTAR) parametrizes the joint asymmetry in the duration and length of cycles in macroeconomic time series by using particular generalizations of the logistic function. The symmetric smooth transition and linear autoregressions are nested in the GSTAR. A test for the null hypothesis of dynamic symmetry is presented. Two case studies indicate that dynamic asymmetry is a key feature of the U.S. economy.

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