United Kingdom

Anticholinergic medications in patients admitted with cognitive impairment or falls (AMiCI). The impact of hospital admission on anticholinergic cognitive medication burden. Results of a multicentre observational study

What is known and objective: Drugs with anticholinergic properties increase the risk of falls, delirium, chronic cognitive impairment, and mortality and counteract procholinergic medications used in the treatment of dementia. Medication review and optimisation to reduce anticholinergic burden in patients at risk is recommended by specialist bodies. Little is known how effective this review is in patients who present acutely and how often drugs with anticholinergic properties are used temporarily during an admission.

Molecular identity of Nemoura lacustris (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) throughout its distributional range

The recent report of Nemoura lacustris Pictet, 1865 in Great Britain has raised doubts on its identity, given the isolation with respect to the Mediterranean and continental populations of this species. Using molecular analyses, we tested if populations from the United Kingdom and the Iberian Peninsula were conspecific and tested the hypotheses of a recent colonization event versus a more ancient origin for the British populations. Phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial marker COI allowed us to conclude that the United Kingdom specimens morphologically ascribed to N.

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