urban experience

Corpi e spazi nella città pubblica. Verso una nuova prossemica? / Bodies and spaces in the public city. Towards a new proxemics?

The pandemic outbreak has put in crisis some values of the contemporary metropolis that seemed to have been achieved: the trend to urban
concentration and the widely shared equation between density and sustainability, the speed and ease of physical mobility, the idea of space
sharing, and more generally all sharing economies. Beyond the rhetoric of a return to "normality", it is necessary to rethink even the structure of
our cities by enhancing the positive acquisitions of modernity and some experiences prematurely discarded - proxemics, the city as a place of the

(Smart) City and the (Open) Data. A critical approach to a platform-driven urban citizenship

This paper represents a first attempt to reconstruct a theoretical map of the relation between technology (digital media) and citizenship. We start from the reconstruction of the role of citizens in the smart city paradigm and then face the challenge that the so-called Big Techs move to the ideal of an engaged “smart community” by promoting an individual relationship between users/citizens and digital platforms.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma