urban microclimate

Influence of the geometrical parameters of urban canyons on the convective heat transfer coefficient

In this study, a microclimate analysis has been carried out starting with a particular urban configuration, "the street canyon". The analysis, conducted by performing numerical simulations using the finite volumes commercial code ANSYS-Fluent studies how the thermal and flow field are affected by the effect of the solar radiation, varying the ratio H/W. Furthermore, a thermo-fluid dynamic analysis of natural convection effects and of 3D characteristics of the flow field on the heat transfer coefficient, has been carried out.

Urban Microclimate and Thermal Comfort in the Social Housing Districts of Rome. The Combined Effect of Built Form and Urban Materials

This work explores the interdependencies, at the neighbourhood scale, between the built form and the urban materials with microclimate and thermal comfort in the modernist social housing districts of Rome (Italy). Indeed, in Italy, as well as in others European countries, most of the urban expansions happened during the second half of the 20th century thanks to public investments. Therefore, these neighbourhoods represent nowadays a relevant part of built-up footprint and they accommodate many inhabitants.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma