urban planning

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts: Innovation and Improvement of the Local Urban Plan for a Climate-Proof Adaptation Strategy

In recent years, the territorial impacts connected to sea level rise have prompted a reflection on the responsibilities of policy makers in transposing these issues into urban agendas. The need also emerged to both broaden and update the skills of urban planners and to improve territorial governance tools, with the aim of developing feasible regeneration and resilience strategies to face climate change.

Practical Decision Aid for Complex Decision Processes: why Strategic Analysis with STAN is not a black box

The main difficulty in urban planning decision processes is that several aspects must be taken into account simultaneously, together with their consequences. The human mind alone is not able to manage and process all the information correctly or completely. Quantitative models are able to formalize problems and define evaluation functions, providing unbiased analyses focused on the important aspects of the decision. Operations Research models are able to solve complex systems of relations, with the additional possibility of optimizing an objective function.

Sharing Governance and New Technologies in Smart City Planning

The paper aims to analyse the impact of new technologies in developing urban sharing governance, and the consequences of urban planning. New Technologies, smart computing, and monitoring are at the base of the smart city. Socio-economic warns emerge about the dangers coming from technological dominance in relation to the political mission and driven by big companies. The work moves in the opposite direction. The approach focuses on the potential of social inclusiveness in urban planning and urban management, using new technologies.

Territorial energy decentralisation and ecosystem services in Italy: limits and potential

This article focuses on the complex relationships between energy processes and ecosystem services. It highlights the conflicts between them due to the anthropocentric value that characterizes their interrelationship. The article reports the initial results of ongoing research on energy decentralization processes in Italy, examining the Italian districts heating performance, concerning ecosystem provisioning and regulating services. The analysis is based on a sample of more than 150 Italian district-heating systems.

CERTIFICAZIONE DELL'EDIFICIO AGE-FRIENDLY - CAP 4 (all'interno del volume "Certificazione di edifici age friendly. Ambiente costruito a misura di anziano")

Le metropoli odierne devono affrontare due fenomeni inevitabili: l'invecchiamento e la crescente urbanizzazione della popolazione. Se da un lato l'aumento della longevità rappresenta una conquista del mondo moderno, dall'altro tale tendenza richiede necessariamente un'adeguata capacità di rinnovamento interdisciplinare che coinvolga quindi non soltanto le politiche sanitarie e socio-assistenziali, ma anche e soprattutto quelle edilizie ed urbane, attraverso un'attenta azione pianificatoria in grado di trasformare spazi in luoghi accessibili ed inclusivi.

Enhancing the urban quality of life: A case study of a coastal city in the metropolitan area of Rome

The present paper concerns an environmentally sustainable neighborhood planning project, as part of the smart community, located in the municipality of Ladispoli, in the Metropolitan area of Rome, along the Tyrrhenian coast. The project was designed as a solution to two current issues, involving all the major urban areas of the Northern Hemisphere: the ageing population and the young New Immigrants Citizens integration; the purpose is, therefore, to create an intergenerational space of mutual support and exchange among the local residents.

Hygienic requirements of urban living environment in the Russian Federation and in Italy: a comparison

Introduzione/scopo. La pianificazione urbana tende a contenere e regolamentare la crescita urbana consentendo uno sviluppo sostenibile a livello ambientale, sociale e sanitario. Nel presente lavoro gli autori hanno confrontato i quadri normativi della Federazione Russ e dell’Italia ponendo particolare attenzione agli aspetti urbani degli spazi abitativi.

The public safety zones around small and medium airports

Proper planning around airports safeguards the surrounding territory from risks of air accidents. Many countries have defined Public Safety Zones (PSZs) beyond the runway thresholds as a result of targeted risk assessment methods. Therefore, national aviation Authorities could limit building construction and industrial development in order to contain the risk for dwellers to be involved in aircraft accidents. The number of people who live, work or congregate in these areas should be limited.

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