urban space

Scena, scenario e teatralità dello spazio pubblico

The present essay intends to put in evidence as among “space public” and “urban scene” there is a natural relationship. Or rather that the expression to use urban scene means to evoke the metaphor of the simulation that belongs to the demonstrations of the public space, or better, to the public component of the space that, in how much such, it is also translated in celebration in the theatrical sense of dramatic and spectacular production. The urban scene becomes then privileged circle of physical representation and metaphysics of the city.

Progetto di riqualificazione dell'ex rimessa "Atac" di piazza Bainsizza, Roma

Il progetto di riqualificazione dell'ex rimessa ATAC a piazza Bainsizza, Roma, è stato oggetto del laboratorio di progettazione IV tenuto dalla Professoressa Nilda Valentin.
Gli obiettivi dell'intervento hanno riguardato il recupero e il riuso delle archeologie industriali presenti nel lotto di progetto e la loro integrazione nel tessuto urbano. La valorizzazione dei manufatti esistenti e l'annessione di nuove funzioni hanno avuto il ruolo strategico di riattivare le potenzialità dell'area all'interno del quartiere.

Corpi e spazi nella città pubblica. Verso una nuova prossemica? / Bodies and spaces in the public city. Towards a new proxemics?

The pandemic outbreak has put in crisis some values of the contemporary metropolis that seemed to have been achieved: the trend to urban
concentration and the widely shared equation between density and sustainability, the speed and ease of physical mobility, the idea of space
sharing, and more generally all sharing economies. Beyond the rhetoric of a return to "normality", it is necessary to rethink even the structure of
our cities by enhancing the positive acquisitions of modernity and some experiences prematurely discarded - proxemics, the city as a place of the

Interpreting the urban transformation of the historical city. The Garbatella district in Rome, Italy and the Lazdynai district in Vilnius, Lithuania

The study on Garbatella district in Rome and Lazdynai district in Vilnius, Lithuania, aims at documenting three thematic aspects of the transformation dynamics on going: analysis of archival textual and iconographic documents; communication of the current material aspect; representation of the immaterial dimension generated on the one end by socio-cultural transformations, on the other by the media system that has represented them in different ways (from cinema, to television, to social networks).

Interpreting the urban transformation of the historical city. The Garbatella district in Rome, Italy and LAzdynai district in Vilnius, Lithuania

The present contribution proposes some reflections on two residential social housing districts aiming at analyzing the complexity of the transformations of the historical urban texture and highlighting their legacy. As a result of a multidisciplinary collaboration in the fields of Architectural Drawing and Architectural Design, two parallel paths of investigation deal with two geographically distinct case studies, both based on social housing policies.

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