Urban Studies

Diversification in urban functions as a measure of metropolitan complexity

Newly emerging relationships between form and function reveal the increasingly complex nature of metropolitan regions. The present study investigates spatial diversification in settlement forms and socioeconomic functions in metropolitan Attica (the administrative region including Athens, the capital of Greece), with the aim of implementing a holistic framework assessing urban complexity in contemporary cities.

Contemporary Approaches in Social Science Researches

The more global disorder progresses, the more important it is to remember the initiatives, large and small, that contribute to fueling that public sphere of knowledge that is naturally inclusive and transnational. IASSR Congresses, the first source for the following essays, are part of these initiatives, and behind their apparent lack of structure, there is the opportunity to broaden the comparison between disciplines and especially between the looks that characterize them in sometimes very different national contexts.

Pollutant fluxes in two-dimensional street canyons

The turbulent dispersion of a passive tracer emitted by a line source simulating vehicular traffic in an idealized urban canyon in neutral conditions is studied in the water channel by means of simultaneous measurements of velocity and concentration fields. The experiments are conducted for two geometrical arrangements of two-dimensional obstacles reproducing the skimming flow (AR=1) and the wake-interference regime (AR=2), where AR is the canyon aspect ratio.

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