
Domestic and communal cooking at the dawn of urbanisation in Greater Mesopotamia and the specialisation of bread production

Nelle società della Grande Mesopotamia, le élites dominanti fondarono il loro potere sulle comunità rurali principalmente attraverso il controllo delle materie prime, tra cui il cibo era uno dei beni più importanti. L’accumulo e la ridistribuzione del cibo, in contesti cerimoniali e amministrativi furono fattori determinanti nel processo che portò alle formazioni proto-statali, e furono strumenti politici, sociali ed economici essenziali nelle mani delle élite.

The role of clients kingdoms in Cilicia (First Century B.C. - First Century A.D.) within the promotion of urbanisation

Cilicia became a Roman territorial province as a result of various military campaigns and progressive annexations, within a long-lasting process started in the early 1st century BC and closed by the effective creation of a unified province, extending to the whole region, by Vespasian.

Space-time monitoring of coastal pollution in the Gulf of Gaeta, Italy, using δ15N values of Ulva lactuca, landscape hydromorphology, and Bayesian Kriging modelling

We investigated the space-time dynamics of N pollution in a Mediterranean gulf (Gulf of Gaeta) by means of δ15N variation in seaweed fronds (Ulva lactuca) previously collected from an unpolluted habitat. We used a comprehensive deployment grid that enabled the generation of isotopic seascapes (isoseascapes) describing the topography of N pollution in coastal waters and identifying N input hotspots and their pathways of dispersion at sea. The δ15N values of U. lactuca increased during 48 h of exposure to the gulf waters, indicating anthropogenic N inputs from wastewater-derived sources.

A hoard of Nilotic nacreous shells from Egypt to Jericho (Early Bronze II, 3000–2800 BCE). Their finding, content and historical archaeological implications

The Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho, is amongst the earliest “cities” that rose in the Southern Levant between the end of 4th and the beginning of the 3rd millennium BCE. The site is being excavated, studied and rehabilitated for tourism by Sapienza University of Rome and the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities since 1997. In 2017, during the 13th season of excavation, an unexpected discovery occurred: five Chambardia rubens shells have been found piled up in a dwelling unit dating back to the Early Bronze Age IB-II.

The Italian-Palestinian expedition to Tell es-Sultan, Ancient Jericho (1997–2015): Archaeology and valorisation of material and immaterial heritage

Sapienza University of Rome and the Palestinian MoTA-DACH have been committed since 1997 to theprotection, scientific re-evaluation and tourist rehabilitation of Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho. Excavations, surveys,and restorations over 15 field seasons allow an update of our knowledge on the history of this long-lived site of theancient Near East, as well as making it possible to match data collected by three previous expeditions within a singlecomprehensive picture

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