
Surplus Value

In classical Marxist theory, surplus value is defined as the difference between the value of the product of labour and the remuneration that is sufficient to support labour power. This essay focuses on this classical issue in new way.

The democratic value of law. Hans Kelsen on the theory and praxis of relativism

The Pure Theory of Law means the guarantee of a science, which is neutral with respect to subjective values and the elaboration of a scientific analysis of law. The principle that no values should prevail over others means primarily that all of them must be afforded the same opportunities to enter into comparison and competition with each other. Each value thus has a dignity that is equal to all others, because here value-freedom means relativism. Relativism, therefore, does not mean an indifference to values, but an alternative to the two extremes of dogmatism and scepticism.

Conflitti non residuali. Per un'integrazione della proposta di Emanuela Ceva

Emanuela Ceva's remarkable amendment to political liberalism ushers in more tenable notions of value and conflict. Yet, in this note I claim that they could be reinforced. In particular, I contend that values are manifestations of a deeper interplay of belief and practice. Based on this, I advance a more radical view of conflicts as productive of politica! identities. The text concludes by explaining why this integration to the notions of value and conflict might benefit Ceva's theoretical project.

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