
Il progetto come "modificazione dell'esistente"

This essay proposes a reflection on one possible way of intervening in the historical city and on an artefact to which the historical documentary value of monumentum or primary element is recognised. Specifically, the historical city object of interest is the city of Venice, whose structure has been investigated using consolidated urban analysis tools – Straßenbau and Schwarzplan – and the most recent spatial analysis tool – Rotblauplan – in order to understand its urban form, and therefore its space, and then reflect on its possible transformation by virtue of design action.

“Persi par persi, ’ndemo a consolarse”. Uno sguardo ‘terzo’ sul concerto dei Pink Floyd a Venezia

Architetture e spazi a tempo di rock. Pink Floyd e dintorni, a cura di Michela Maguolo e Alessandra Pedersoli. Editoriale, The Last Great Event. Isle of Wight Festival, August 26th-30th, 1970. Sara Marini, Effimero veneziano. Giacomo Maria Salerno, “Persi par persi, ’ndemo a consolarse”. Patrizio Cherubini, Michela Maguolo, A Momentary Lapse of Reason: i Pink Floyd a Venezia fra Modena e Berlino. Cesare Molinari, Roger Waters. The Wall in Berlin. Alessandra Pedersoli, Visioni in technicolor. Tony Pagliuca, Michela Maguolo, Variazioni sul Rock: Le Orme fra Venezia e il mondo.

Per una critica dell'economia turistica. Venezia tra museificazione e mercificazione

Venezia, minacciata dall’esodo dei suoi abitanti ancor più che dalle acque alte, è meta ogni anno del pellegrinaggio secolare di oltre 30 milioni di visitatori. Cristallizzata nella sua immagine e al tempo stesso stravolta nel suo paesaggio umano, la città lagunare esibisce in maniera esemplare il destino che l’Occidente sta riservando ai suoi centri storici, sempre meno pensati come luoghi in cui vivere e sempre più ridotti a parchi tematici destinati al consumo turistico.

The city of Venice. The form and the space

The city is a ‘system of connection’: a set of relationships between building typology and urban morphology, between the positioning of the monuments in relation to the fabrics, between the discipline of the plan and the need to give form to places and spatial quality of contexts. This ‘system of connection’ is evident in the historical city, which is structured through the formation of dense and compact ‘fabrics’ and recognizes its element of formation in the concept of ‘urban block’.

Economic migrants or commuters? A Note on the Crews of Genoese Galleys in the Medieval Mediterranean, 14th-15th Centuries

This paper aims to analyse some late medieval Genoese ship logs and "stipendiariorum monstrae" preserved in the State Archives of Genoa focusing on the geographical origin of the personnel on board. The author highlights the peculiar composition of the crews and their diachronic transformative dynamics, reconsidering their social role in the context of Genoese seafaring life, comparing it with the contemporary Venetian and Catalan-Aragonese context.

The form and the space of the Venice’s city

The city is a “system of connection”: a set of relationships between the building typology and the urban morphology, between the positioning of the monuments in relation to the fabrics, between the discipline of the plan and the need to give form to places and spatial quality of contexts. This “system of connection” is evident in the historic city, which it’s structured through the formation of dense and compact “fabrics” and it recognizes its element of formation in the concept of “urban block”.

Construction Aspects of the Civil Works for the Storm Surge Barrier at Chioggia Inlet -Venice

The civil works for the protection of Venice Lagoon from storm surges – commonly known as MOSE Project - represent one of the most important coastal engineering project of the last decade.

The MOSE is an integrated system of works for the protection from flooding of the Venice Lagoon articulated in many interventions carried out inside and outside the Lagoon aimed at increasing the environmental and urban resilience of the whole area. The storm surge barriers described herein are only a part of the complex system of safeguarding projects.

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