
It’s time for data! modulations of representation: Visible, perceptible, imaginable

“Representing is a transitive verb which demands an object” (Gombrich 1985, p. 214). But what are the possible modulations of this object? And, likewise, what is the extent of representation? These are the questions we have posed in carrying out a particular experiment: creating an infographic to give shape to a musical performance, String Quartet no. 10 Op. 74 by Ludwig van Beethoven. The experiment aims to combine knowledge and experience, logic and aesthetics, function and metaphor.

Grammar-based procedural animations for motion graphics

Abstact Motion graphics are a form of animation where several sets of shapes are choreographed together using a wide range of effects to produce compelling footage. We present a method to procedurally generate motion graphics. We formally model motion graphics with timeslice grammars, an extension of split and group grammars, that are able to control and manipulate both the temporal and spatial components of an animation. We are able to combine both these aspects by representing animations as sets of affine transformations sampled uniformly in both space and time.

New HVDC technology in Pan-European power system planning

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology will play a more central role in the future grid development than it had in the past due to the technological developments, the increasing use of renewable energy resources and the more ambitious European goals. These evolutions introduce new challenges in power transmission planning and have an impact on the choices of technology and the geographical location of interconnection projects.

A detail based method for linear full reference image quality prediction

In this paper, a novel Full Reference method is proposed for image quality assessment, using the combination of two separate metrics to measure the perceptually distinct impact of detail losses and of spurious details. To this purpose, the gradient of the impaired image is locally decomposed as a predicted version of the original gradient, plus a gradient residual. It is assumed that the detail attenuation identifies the detail loss, whereas the gradient residuals describe the spurious details.

Learning analytics in competitive programming training systems

In this paper we discuss the use of Analytics in oii-web, an online programming contest training system. We first provide an overview of the challenges in training for programming contests. Then we discuss the data collected in these years using oii-web, a platform devoted to the training of students for the Italian Olympiads in Informatics (Olimpiadi Italiane di Informatica-OII), and analyze them comparing two distinct groups of users in two distinct platforms built on oii-web, one devoted to students and one to their teachers.

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