Viterbi algorithm

Migration energy aware reconfigurations of virtual network function instances in NFV architectures

Network function virtualization (NFV) is a new network architecture framework that implements network functions in software running on a pool of shared commodity servers. NFV can provide the infrastructure flexibility and agility needed to successfully compete in today's evolving communications landscape. Any service is represented by a service function chain (SFC) that is a set of VNFs to be executed according to a given order. The running of VNFs needs the instantiation of VNF instances (VNFIs) that are software modules executed on virtual machines.

Impact of the deployment costs on the cloud and bandwidth resource problems in multi-providers NFV environment

The introduction of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) led to a new business model in which the Telecommunication Service Provider needs to rent cloud resources to Infrastructure Provider (InP) at prices as low as possible. Lowest prices can be achieved if the cloud resources, that is long-term Virtual Machines (VM), can be rented in advance. This is in contrast with the short-term VMs that are rented on demand and have higher costs. For this reason we propose a proactive solution in which the cloud resource rent is planned in advance based on a peak traffic knowledge.

Optimizing the cloud resources, bandwidth and deployment costs in multi-providers network function virtualization environment

The introduction of network function virtualization (NFV) leads to a new business model in which the Telecommunication Service Provider needs to rent cloud resources to infrastructure provider (InP) at prices as low as possible. Lowest prices can be achieved if the cloud resources can be rented in advance by allocating long-term virtual machines (VM). This is in contrast with the short-term VMs that are rented on demand and have higher costs. For this reason, we propose a proactive solution in which the cloud resource rent is planned in advance based on peak traffic knowledge.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma