war crimes

The Intentional Destruction of the Cultural Heritage of Humankind (IDCHH). What Are the Remedies under International Law?

The Intentional Destruction of the Cultural Heritage of Humankind (IDCHH). What Are the Remedies under International Law?

The widespread dissemination of videos of terrorists destroying monuments of world cultural heritage in the last twenty years, such as the Buddhas of Bamiyan and the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, has shocked all of humanity.

Extraordinary African Chambers

The Extraordinary African Chambers (‘EAC’) were opened in Dakar, Senegal, on 8 February 2013 and mandated to prosecute Chad’s former Head of State (→ Heads of State), Hissène Habré (also spelled Hissen Habré or Hissein Habré), for the international crimes committed in Chad from 7 June 1982 to 1 December 1990.

The making of a civic discourse on controversial historical past: From denial to parrhesia | [Faire un discours civique sur le passé historique controversé: Du déni à la parrhésie]

Abstract: This contribution discusses the pragmatic effects of different rhetoric strategies conveying evidence of past ingroup violence after a long lasting social denial (Cohen, 2001). In particular, a case study is presented on the making of a civic discourse on controversial historical past: war crimes committed by the Italian Army during the colonial invasion of Ethiopia (1935-36). Although very well proved (Del Boca, 2005), these facts were only recently inserted in Italian history textbooks (Leone & Mastrovito, 2010; Cajani, 2013).

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