Water Science and Technology

What makes you a ‘hero’ for nature? Socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries

Biodiversity loss is a widely debated world problem, with huge economic, social, and environmentally negative consequences. Despite the relevance of this issue, the psychological determinants of committed action towards nature and biodiversity have rarely been investigated. This study aims at identifying a comprehensive social-psychological profile of activists committed to biodiversity protection and at understanding what determinants best predict their activism.

Anaerobic electrogenic oxidation of toluene in a continuous-flow bioelectrochemical reactor: Process performance, microbial community analysis, and biodegradation pathways

Microbial electrochemical systems (MES) represent an innovative reagent-free technology for in situ remediation of groundwater contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons. Here we describe the long-term (>160 days) anaerobic treatment of synthetic groundwater containing toluene (25 mg L-1) in a novel laboratory-scale, continuous-flow bioelectrochemical reactor, termed the "bioelectric well". Under optimal operating conditions (i.e., anode potential potentiostatically controlled at +0.2 V vs.

First geomatic restitution of the sinkhole known as "Pozzo del Merro" (Italy), with the integration and comparison of "classic" and innovative geomatic techniques

The sinkhole known as 'Pozzo del Merro' possesses unusual, geological and natural features, providing an important opportunity to study the geological and hydrological characteristics of the area, and, at the same time, to preserve an ecosystem inhabited by rare species. The site has been the object of numerous studies carried out by scholars from a wide range of disciplines, but a true morphological survey has not been performed until now due to logistical difficulties that include the lack of adequate measuring positions and the difficulty of establishing a clear view between points.

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