
Far from the river: Physical and metaphorical use of the territory and its water resources in Early and Middle Bronze Age Syria

The development of the so-called “secondary” urban civilizations is related to the capacity/necessity to exploit ecosystems different from those created by the presence of large rivers. In north inner Syria the different ecosystems and the possibilities they offered were exploited in a most effective way, leading to the birth and development of complex urban systems, which flourished during the second half of the third and the first half of the second millennium BC.

Area B: stratigraphy and architecture of the temples mound at Tell Zurghul, Iraq

The chapter presents the results of the excavation carried out during the first and third season of excavations at Tell Zurghul in 2015 and 2017. Area B is located on the top and Western slope of Mound B. Archaeological evidence so far uncovered points to the existence of a stratified sequence of buildings that belong to the chronological phase of the Ubaid Period of Southern Mesopotamia.

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