
Evaluating and mapping naturalness of agricultural areas. A case study in central Italy

An assessment of the natural value of some extensively managed agroecosystems in Latium region (central Italy) has been made, through the collection of floristic and phytosociological data and the development of new indices (Floristic Naturalness Index – FNI and a set of synthetic indices). The survey allowed the evaluation of the study areas as High Natural Value Farmland areas. In a GIS environment, a mapping of the naturalness levels was then carried out.

Three prospective agents instead of one? Cryptic diversity of the biological control agent Psylliodes chalcomera

The flea beetle, Psylliodes chalcomera, was previously permitted as a biological control agent of Carduus nutans (musk thistle) in the USA. However, during subsequent exploration for prospective biological control agents of Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle), we observed individuals attacking this plant in southern Russia. We also observed this insect on Onopordum spp. (Scotch thistle), which raised the question whether this beetle is polyphagous, or whether it is comprised of biotypes, host races or cryptic species that are specialized on different host plants.

Shifts of maize crop weed flora over 50 years: a case study in central Italy

During the second half of the twentieth century, agricultural practices in Italy underwent a fast transition from
extensive and traditional to intensive and specialized. Weed assemblages colonizing cultivated fields were thus
subjected to major shifts, mainly driven by the increased use of herbicides and chemical fertilizers. Moved by the
early intuition that the fight against weeds could deeply alter the balances of arable agroecosystems, already in the

Assessing naturalness of arable weed communities. A new index applied to a case study in central Italy

The interest in the ecological role of weed communities within arable fields has increased greatly in recent years. The aim of this work was to provide an original tool for arable land naturalness estimation, based on the many features of plants that colonize crops. Taking account of taxonomic, structural, chorological and ecological features of weed taxa as exoticism, Raunkier life-form and edaphic preference, a new index (Arable Land Naturalness Index – ALNI) was developed, which allowed for an evaluation score to be obtained for a given field.

La flora commensale delle colture D.O.P. "Peperone di Pontecorvo" e "Fagiolo cannellino di Atina" (Lazio meridionale)

Il “Peperone di Pontecorvo” (Capsicum annuum L. ‘Cornetto di Pontecorvo’) e il “Fagiolo cannellino di Atina” (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ‘Cannellino di Atina’) (Fig. 1) sono due colture annuali a ciclo estivo-autunnale della Provincia di Frosinone (Lazio), che hanno ottenuto il marchio D.O.P. nel 2010. I disciplinari di produzione prevedono la semina primaverile (peperone) o estiva (fagiolo), l’irrigazione e, infine, la raccolta estiva o autunnale. Per quanto riguarda le concimazioni e il diserbo chimico, questi sono consentiti per il peperone, mentre vengono vietati per il fagiolo.

Shifts of arable plant communities after agricultural intensification. A floristic and ecological diachronic analysis in maize fields of Latium (central Italy)

Changes in agricultural practices represent one of themain causes of shift in species composition of arable plant communities. In particular, the intensification of agriculture going on worldwide since several decades led to heavy transformations of arable plant diversity. Basing on a study conducted in 1964 in Latium (central Italy), we re-surveyed the arable plant communities of 21 maize fields in order to assess the shifts that occurred over 50 years.

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