wellbore heat exchanger

The wellbore heat exchangers. A technical review

The available literature on the WellBore Heat eXchangers (WBHX) has been analyzed giving prominence to three aspects. First, the heat transfer through the geothermal reservoir and between the formation and the well has been analyzed. Then, the design of the WBHX and the modelling of the heat exchange has been reviewed. Lastly, the analysis of the performance of the WBHX in the production of thermal and/or electrical energy has been focused.

Exergy performance of a wellbore heat exchanger coupled with a ORC plant. Comparison of two different case studies

This paper analyses the use of a WBHX plant coupled with an ORC power plant in two different case studies: the depleted geopressurized oil field of Villafortuna Trecate and the magmatic area of Campi Flegrei. A comprehensive thermodynamic assessment of the WBHX – ORC plant has been carried out analysing each component, including the cooling tower and ancillary equipment. Different organic fluids have been tested in order to find the most advantageous in the two different cases.

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