
Wine tasting: how much Is the contribution of the clfaction?

Neuromarketing predicts that multiple factors contribute to the choice of a product, among them, the perceived value, pleasantness, and emotion related to the use of it. In this framework, a particular field is constituted by luxury items, such as wine. Wine is particularly suitable to marketing effects, both extrinsic (label) and intrinsic features (volatile composition and color) lead to the constitution of the experienced value, and the analysis of the contribution of olfaction to the process of tasting is fundamental in order to study flavor perception.

Extraction, purification, and determination by HPLC of quercetin in some Italian wines

In this paper, we report a simple method for the determination of quercetin, a typical antioxidant compound ubiquitously present in vegetable food products including grapes and wine. To this aim, 12 Italian wines were analyzed and the amount of quercetin was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detector. To reduce the interferences, a minimal sample preparation was performed on solid phase cartridge, then the samples were eluted through a narrow bore C18 column under gradient elution in less than 25 min. Nine wines were red and three white.

Data fusion strategies in food analysis

With the growing availability of high throughput methodologies for food characterization and analysis, more and more data are being collected on food products that can be used for the authentication of their quality. In this context, the availability of different multi-block strategies, each with its own peculiarities and providing specific details on the investigated samples, allows to integrate the information from the different sources into a richer model with great flexibility.

A triple quadrupole and a hybrid quadrupole orbitrap mass spectrometer in comparison for polyphenol quantitation

Liquid chromatography coupled to low-resolution mass spectrometry (LRMS) has historically been a popular approach for compound quantitation. Recently, high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) technical developments led to the introduction of new approaches for quantitative analysis. Whereas the performances of HRMS have been largely assessed for qualitative purposes, there are still questions about its suitability for quantitative analysis. Several papers on LRMS and HRMS comparison have been published; however, none of them was applied to polyphenol quantitation.

Impact of dealcoholization on quality properties in white wine at various alcohol content levels

The reduction of alcohol content in wines has two main objectives, the former is decreasing the wines’ strength and the latter is producing new low alcohol beverages. To accomplish the latter, in this study, we focused on the dealcoholization of a white wine (cv Falanghina, 12.5 vol%) obtained from an ancient Italian grape variety that has recently aroused a renewed interest. It was dealcoholized at various alcohol content levels ranging from 9.8 to 0.3 vol% through the osmotic distillation process, and the main quality parameters of the obtained dealcoholized samples were evaluated.

Quality and volatile compounds in red wine at different degrees of dealcoholization by membrane process

This study investigated the effect of different degrees of dealcoholization on volatile compounds, phenols and sensory characteristics of red wine (cv. Montepulciano d’Abruzzo). The wine with an initial alcohol content of 13.2% v/v was partially dealcoholized by membrane process with a decrease of alcohol degree as follows: − 4.9; − 6.3; − 7.8, − 9.2 and − 10.5% v/v.

Combined membrane process for dealcoholization of wines. Osmotic distillation and reverse osmosis

The demand of beverages with low or zero alcohol content is fast growing over the last years for health benefits of drinkers and more restrictive policies in alcohol consumption. Membrane processes are nowadays the most commonly used. They have undoubtedly led to improvements in quality, particularly for the low processing temperatures, but determined volatile compounds loss which in many instances resulted in unsatisfactory sensory quality.

Wine marketing. A literature review

This study concerns a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) about wine marketing. Due its characteristics, for its complexity and heterogeneity, wine can be considered as a special product for marketing studies. Through searches performed by selected keywords on databases, we have identified 255 relevant peer reviewed articles useful for our review objectives. The found articles were divided in five clusters: consumer studies, marketing management studies, tourism studies, organic wine and sustainability and, lastly, country of origin and branding.

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