women's health

331 Does genital sexual pain matter? An explorative study on reproductive-age women

Objectives: Genital Sexual Pain (GSP) is a common symptom in
reproductive-age women: about 40% of women 20-40 y.o. suffer
from pain during sexual activity. Because of the lack of awareness,
many women could continue to go on with this symptom
without asking help to professionals, increasing the risk of pain
chronicization and sexuality impairment. The aim of the present
study was to investigate how many reproductive-age women in
the general population experience GSP, the characteristics of

530 Towards a globally shared taxonomy of the different conditions diagnosed as unconsummated marriage

Objective: Sexuality has different meanings and follow different
scripts depending on the country or geographic location and the
dominant culture. The growing globalization and migrations
leaded to marriages between people belonging to different cultures.
Moreover, in modern societies there are many migrant
communities that, although integrated, follow faithfully the rules
and values of their culture of origin. For this reason, health care
professionals are progressively exposed to the task of understanding

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