Study of dezincification in orichalcum Roman coins

A group of orichalcum Roman coins, from private collections, have been studied for this research. Numismatic examination indicated that they are asses, sestertium and dupondius, minted from Julius Caesar to Nero. Orichalcum is an ancient copper based alloy with a variable percentage of zinc.
The aim of this study was to investigate the process of dezincification from the external layers to the core of the samples. Furthermore, the research was aimed to disclose the real chemical composition of the orichalcum alloy.

Pigment identification on Campana reliefs from the Palatine Hill and Colosseum Valley in Rome

This article shows the first pigment identification of the Campana reliefs, Roman architectural earthenware plaques. The Campana reliefs polychromy were investigated by applying a multidisciplinary approach involving non-invasive and micro-destructive techniques to some fragments with traces of colour found on the north-eastern slopes of the Palatine Hill in Rome.

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