The Sapienza Terahertz group of Prof. Stefano Lupi is located at Department of Physics University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. The interests of the group are focused on the exotic low-energy excitations in condensed matter physics ranging from Dirac electrons in Topological Insulators and graphene, High-Tc superconductors, plasmonics and metamaterials, the development of new sources and new instrumentations for IR and THz spectroscopy, and IR and THz investigations in biophysics and condensed matter. The Sapienza Terahertz consists in two laboratories. One located in the first floor of Fermi Building (112) allowing pump-probe time resolved experiments on the femtosecond scale from THz to UV, the second at third floor (318) allowing broad band frequency-domain spectroscopy. Both laboratories show ancillary equipments able to manage different samples from biological materials to solid-state materials, gas and liquids controlling temperature, pressure, humidity, and applying electric and magnetic fields.

Biochimico, Fisico, Nanotecnologico, Ottico, Prove materiali
Nome | Struttura | |
Dipartimento o centro ospitante
Personale docente e di ricerca
Altro personale docente e di ricerca
Augusto Marcelli [Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - INFN]
Sen Mou [Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - INFN]
Giancarlo Della Ventura [Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - INFN]
Annalisa D'arco [Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - INFN]
Strumenti e attrezzature
Nome | Descrizione | Servizi Offerti | Tipologia |
03549 - Bombole | Azoto | Bombole | |
03545 - PC in rete locale LAN | PC per controllo strumenti | ||
03547 - Altri strumenti analitici | Interferometri di Michelson | Altri strumenti analitici | |
NIR-UV Spectrometer | JASCO NIR-UV spectrometer for reflectivity and transmission optical measurements | Reflection , transmission and absorption spectroscopy in gas, liquid and solid | Altri strumenti analitici |
Laser Amplifier | Coherent legend laser amplifier+OPA+DFG+THz | Pump-Probe time resolved optical measurements in transmission, reflection and absorption with femtosecond time resolution | Altri strumenti analitici |
He, N2 Optical and Magnetic cryostats and high-T cells | Optcal cryostats for managing temperature from 4 K to 1000 K | Optical measurements at variable temperatures | Altri strumenti analitici |
Server for electromagnetic and thermal transport simulation | Simulation of electromagnetic and thermal properties of matter | Ditribution of electric and magnetic field in thin films and bulk and thermal distribution | Server |
Toptica Fiber Laser | Fiber Laser 80 fs 80 MHz 1500, 800 nm | Time domain THz spectrometer, Imaging | Altri strumenti analitici |
Altre Informazioni
The Sapienza Terahertz group presents many national (INFN, CNR, INAIL, Roma3 University, IIT) and international collaborations (Osaka University, UCTS Hefei University, Rudgers University, Harvard University) in the framework of different collaborative projects.