The Molecular Photonics Laboratory (MPL) was established in 1997 and gathers equipment, expertise and experiments used for the study of the linear, nonlinear, photoluminescence and electroluminescence properties of molecular and polymeric organic materials. Such materials are used for the fabrication of integrated optical devices, organic light emitting diodes (OLED) and dye-sensitized organic solar cells (DSSC). Since 2007 the laboratory started migrating towards the field of Biophotonics, in which the materials are still organic but of biological origin. We worked hard to pursuit such a transition, which involved a modification of the experimental techniques and their integration with new expertise in chemistry and biochemistry. We believe the transition is now complete as witnessed by our latest publications in the field.
Laboratorio di Fotonica Molecolare

Biologico biosicurezza 2, Elettrico, Informatico, Nanotecnologico, Ottico, Prove materiali, Strumentale
Nome | Struttura | |
ERC scientific sector
PE2_6, PE2_9, PE2_11, PE3_10, PE3_16, PE4_11
Dipartimento o centro ospitante
Personale docente e di ricerca
Micro/nano electronics & photonics, Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
Strumenti e attrezzature
Nome | Descrizione | Servizi Offerti | Tipologia |
SPR and BSWR | Custom surface plasmon polariton and photonic crystal biosensing platforms | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Nanoplotter | GESIM nano-bio-spotter used to deposit antibodies, proteins and ss-DNA with high spatial resolution | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
ELISA | Thermo-Fisher ELISA plate reader | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Glove-box | Glove-box with nitrogen atmosphere including gold sputtering and spin coating systems | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Integrated Optics | complete experimental setup for the characterization of photonic integrated circuits, with microscope | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Microfluidics | Equipment for microfluidics (cells, motorized pumps, tubings, switches, valves, temperature control) | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Chemical functionalization | Equipment for the chemical functionalization of optical biosensors (gold/dielectric surfaces) | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
CW lasers | He-Ne lasers (632.8 and 543 nm) and laser diodes (635, 670, 1300, 1550nm, tunable 1490-1590nm) | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Optical components | mirrors, lenses, beamsplitters, polarizers, phase retarders, fibers, objectives | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Optical instrumentation | Power meters, spectrometers, photomultipliers, SS photodetectors, monochromators, optical microscopes, amplifiers | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Mountings | Manual/motorized mechanical stages used to assemble benchtop laboratory setups in optics and photonics, optical benches | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) | |
Didactic equipment in Optics and Photonics | Range of didactic kits used in the optics and photonics courses, including geometrical optics, diffraction, interference, fiber optics, a WEB accessible ellipsometer | Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature) |
Regolamento del laboratorio: