

Grande Infrastrutture di Ateneo . The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the art THz technology for high precision spectroscopy and imaging. It hosts high power QCL THz sources (mW level), a 2D high sensitivity microbolometer sensor working at room temperature and a spectroscopy system with resolution down to 10MHz.

Astrofisico, Biochimico, Botanica / Serra sperimentale, Chimico, Fisico, Ottico, Prove materiali, Restauro, Ricerca storica, Strumentale, Utilizzo campioni provenienti da animali
ERC scientific sector
LS7_1, PE10_1, PE4_2, PE2_10, PE11_1, PE4_2, PE2_11, PE10_1
Strumenti e attrezzature
Nome Descrizione Servizi Offerti Tipologia
THz imaging/spectroscopy system Quantum Cascade Laser + Microbolometer Camera at room temperature High resolution Imaging/spectroscopy at THz frequencies. Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature)
THz spectroscopy/imaging system High resolution (10MHz) coherent THz spectroscopy system based on photoconductive antennas High resolution Imaging/spectroscopy at THz frequencies. Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature)
Sensors Pyroelectric, microbolometers, photoantennas Attrezzature principali per la ricerca (piccole/medie/grandi attrezzature)
Glove Box Glove Box Strumenti da laboratorio (agitatori, piastre riscaldanti, centrifughe, autoclavi, ecc)
Nome Stanza Edificio Piano
S5 RM017 seminterrato
QCL laser source and optical set-up for  imaging/spectroscopy  with microbolometer 2D camera. The set-up is contain in a purge box with controlled atmosphere.Spectroscopy/imaging system based on Photoconductive antennas and DFB fiber-coupled IR laserSpectroscopy/imaging system based on Photoconductive antennas and DFB fiber-coupled IR laser. General view of the laboratoryTHz optical pathChamber for gasses analysisQCL laser source and optical set-up for  imaging/spectroscopy  in transmission and reflection Il RADRL del Laboratorio SapienzaTerahertz, Massimo Petrarca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma