Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

Negative pressure wound dressings have renowned efficacy in chronic ulcers whether on vascular or diabetic origin but its costs and specialized management make its availability limited. In order to reduce costs and simplify use, we developed MEDICUD: mechanical empowered device in chronic ulcers disease. A low cost-easily available solution for complicated wounds' dressing.


Several devices are available on the market. Herein some weaknesses of current wound dressing' systems:
-VAC freedom by KCl (disposable + rental of the engine: only rental 56+VATeur per day average): electrically powered, cumbersome, complicated to get.
-Avelle by convatec/Pico by Smith&Nephew/Prevena by KCI: electrically powered, no canister for fluid collection, entirely disposable, expensive (>170eur per week)
-Snap by Spiracur: mechanically powered, small canister, designed for small and superficial wounds, no more available on the market.

MEDICUD will allow for a safe and effective wound dressing with the power of negative pressure on a low-cost basis. It will be provided with a refillable canister, easy to empty even by the patient. It will take advantage from existing materials, already approved by FDA, applied in a revolutionary way to the wound dressing world.

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma