Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

The present proposal of research activity considers the development of techniques of modelling and advanced manufacturing of structural components with embedded networks of sensors and energy harvesters for space applications. The possibility to almost real time monitoring the health of a structural components possibly by sensors networks self-powered trough the operational environment is of great interest for modern space applications. Moreover, the use of the cited embedded networks of sensors within single components can be envisioned further than the simple health monitoring during operational life. Indeed, those embedded networks can be seen as an improvement of all the Manufacturing Assembly Integration and Testing (MAIT) cycle of a spacecraft by permitting to monitoring easily the component conditions along with the production and to perform more efficiently the testing phases. All those concepts are envisioned in the modern Industry 4.0 paradigm.

The design of embedded networks requires a deep analysis of the considered application in terms of system and mission requirements in order to define the best harvesting methods together with the performance it has to guarantee.

This research will follow the following steps:
1. By means of a System Engineering approach the components to be studied will be selected
2. State-of-the art assessment and Selection of sensors and energy harvesters to be used
3. Mathematical modeling of the networks for performance prediction
4. Manufacturing process and experimental test-case development

The following test case will be considered:
¿ A payload adapter of a launcher with embedded sensors and energy harvesters
The considered test-cases will permit to apply the developed conceptual methodologies and to demonstrate their appeal for advanced industrial applications. Moreover, the sensorised payload adapter of a launcher with energy harvester embedded will be tested and the system will show its ability to harvester energy.

Componenti gruppo di ricerca: 

The foundation of this project is the embedding of self-powered networks of sensors within structural component in order to develop more efficient monitoring systems during the operational life of a spacecraft but also to improve the MAIT cycle of a spacecraft by taking into account the modern approaches suggested by Industry 4.0 paradigm. The synergic use of different material and sensors networks paves the way to the concept of SMART composite. By introducing smart materials and electronics devices within a traditional composite material is possible to improve the system values not only related to the usual structural performance but also considering multi-domain features as the energy harvesting and sensing capabilities are.

Thus, the following main points of innovation of the present project:

1. Designing and development of payload adapter embedded with sensors network and energy harvester
2. Development of the strategy for IoT i.e., wireless transmission of the acquired data by the embedded network of sensors.
3. Development of sensorised structures able to gather energy from their operational conditions and monitor the aerospace structures during operational time
4. Definition of strategies of embedding electronics and circuits within structural elements
5. Assessment of advanced manufacturing techniques for the realization of embedded electronic circuits

The scientific novelty of this project is the development of self-designed novel payload adapter of the launcher embedded with network of sensors and energy harvester. This payload adapter is capable of energy harvesting to drive wireless sensors and actuators. As well as it is also capable of structural health monitoring of aerospace structures and can transmit the acquired data via wireless sensors embedded in it.

Moreover, the activities of the present project will permit also an advancement in the knowledge of the technological process behind the realization of complex smart structures. In terms of technology transfer, the proposed innovation paves the way to a scenario of possible applications/products that might be developed in different areas of engineering.

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma