The aim of this research is to explore the how institutions respond differently to the need for competitiveness and social cohesion and specifically the way these responses are articulated, beginning from the hypothesis that such responses are structured in accordance with the different forms of economic action institutions find themselves facing, and that the specific economic history of each local context thus plays a powerful conditioning role. In order to pursue this aim, we adopt a so-called governance approach. ¿Governance¿ refers to the entire set of institutions which regulate and coordinate action among different actors within an economic system (Streeck and Schmitter 1985, Hollingsworth et al. 1994, Hollingsworth and Boyer 1997).
This research project seeks to understand the barriers to/opportunities for competitive and sustainable growth, as well as to document, in a more systematic manner, the innovative practices that have provided innovative solutions to economic and social challenges.
The aim of this research is to identify possible strategies to promote economic growth, social cohesion, labour productivity, job creation policies/practices and public goods for local competitiveness. It is worth noting three ways in which this project diverges, albeit partially, from other studies and research.
The first concerns the fact that the paths of innovation are highly plural in terms of the more effective balance they strike between production results and quality of work. There is no optimal landmark model; rather, there is a variety of practical experiences that leverage the share capital available at the local level and the ability of players to rework and redirect it. Consequently, there is not one single high road to development but a plurality of paths to ensuring high-quality local development. We aim to bring this variety into better focus so as to valorise it. The second distinction is that we intend to examine not so much the architecture of these projects as their dynamics and outcomes. At the present stage we believe that, without neglecting the first dimension, the most important aspect is the assessment of the incremental effects resulting from actors¿ choices made and the impacts, both expected and unexpected, of ongoing activities in local areas. The third has to do with the point of view adopted here: we propose not only to define a frame of scientific categorization and establish classes suitable for grouping these practices, but to also consider the technical and organisational conditions and planning and consulting support adopted in relation to the various policies in order to increase the efficiency and capabilities of the local areas under investigation. In this context, we will grant special attention to the problems closely linked to labour issues (like wages, quality of work, time, productivity, mechanisms of organisational participation), the social protection for workers (whether they be standard or non-standard employees- or self-employed), and the production of public goods and practices for competitiveness and labour productivity (agreements and protocols between trade unions, local authorities and companies included in the logic of innovative actions).