![Ritratto di Anonimo Ritratto di Anonimo](/sites/all/modules/uniroma1/sapienza_research/img/user_picture.png)
The research team will rebuild the cultural, social and economic context in which minorities were acting in the territory of the Papal State through the available sources of the Holy Office
The project promoters intend to create a digital database on a thematic basis of the Holy Office documents relating to ethnic minorities with particular attention to the Armenians, the Sephardian and the Orthodox faith groups. The data collected will then be inserted into an open web page or in an HTML page - on demand. The entire project will also result in a scientific publication on the theme of technological innovation applied to research on the relationship between the Inquisition and ethnic minorities. Through the Roman Inquisition archive funds and those of other documentary conservation organizations, the level of ¿inculturation¿ of some ethnic minorities in the State of the Church, with special attention to Rome and Ancona, will be analyzed.
The project promoters intend to create a digital database on a thematic basis of the Holy Office documents relating to ethnic minorities with particular attention to the Armenians, the Sephardian and the Orthodox faith groups. The database will include the following information:
- Ethnic group
- People involved
- Dates
- Location
- Archive classification
- Notes
The data collected will be inserted into an open web page or in an HTML page - on demand. The entire project will also result in a scientific publication on the theme of technological innovation applied to research on the relationship between the Inquisition and ethnic minorities.
The database will be developed in open source format and the data will be confined only to license CC BY-NC-ND, which protects the authorship and allows sharing these products without them being modified or used for profit.
The project managers will ensure that the cards developed are authorized in advance by the archivists.
thematic tree of research:
1. Jews
2. Moriscos
3. Marranos Port Jews (baptized Sephardim, Judaizing)
4. New Christians.
5. Slavs ¿ 'schiavoni'.
6. Routeni
Archival Sources:
1. ACDF Archivio Congregazione Dottrina della Fede
1.1. Oeconomica
1.2. Stanza Storica, BB., 5-b.
1.3. Registro entrata e uscita banco del Sant¿Offizio.
2. Archivio storico dell¿Istituto Portoghese di Sant¿Antonio in Roma.
2.1. Livro de registo das actas das congregações. BB1-BB5.
3. ASAn ANAn (Arichivio di Stato di Ancona, Archivio Notarile)
3.1 ASAn ACAn (Archivio di Stato di Ancona, Archivio del Comune di Ancona)
3.2 Stato delle anime [degli ebrei di Ancona].
4. Arhiv Biskupije Dubrova¿ke (A.B.D.)
4.1. Diversa, 7, Editto sugli Ebrei.
4.2. Processo Valenzin.