Chest wall deseases can be rare or common congenital malformative disorders. We can count different types of chest wall desease such as pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum or more rare syndromes such as Polland one's.
Chest wall desease can include muscles, costals, or catilages deformities or agenesis.
Many patients do not wish to undergo thoracic remodeling operations, which are invasive and do not clearly result in respiratory or cardiac improvement.
For these reasons we propose an innovative procedure for correcting Chest wall desease using three-dimensional modeling.
The objective of reconstructive surgery is simply morphological and it's principle is to increase the volume of affected thoracic area using a custom-made implant.
The thoracic implants currently used consist of a medical-grade silicone rubber or elastomer: there's no envelope or filling product. The risk of deterioration and breaking are non-existent. It is puncture proof, untearable, and it has an unlimited lifespan.
The implant is specific for each patient and made using silicone casting made using a computer assisted construction from a 3D quality printer.
Correcting Chest wall deseases of patients that express the will of not undergo to a major thoracic surgery can be done, using a computer-aided design silicone implant fulfilled aesthetic and psychological demands, with significant improvements were seen in quality of life. The technique is simple and reliable and yields high-quality results, and three-dimensional computer-aided design has optimized the authors¿ reconstructions.
The use of custom made silicone implants could provide many clinical benefits for patients.
In this moment corrective surgical technique for chest wall disease, include bones or cartilage resection, use of titanium bar with from 5 to 7 days of hospital stay after surgery.
Except in cases where is demostrated a cardio-polmunary deficit connected to the chest wall disease, most of these patients have a psychological problem with chest wall disease.
The use of a custom made implant allows the possibility to correct the deformities in those patients that don't want to undergo to a major surgery.
The surgical technique for custom made silicone implant that doesn't contemplate the use of titanium bar, bone or rib resection allows a shorter hospital stay and no need for a second surgical step to remove the silicone custom made implant.
This technique is minimally invasive, rapid, and associated with very low morbidity. Asymmetries greater than 200 ml can be corrected during a single operation with very good accuracy, by compensating for the loss of muscle volume, and leave a discrete axillary scar.
Very few relevant articles have appeared, with relatively small patient numbers. The study of Johnson is the only one available in the literature using computed tomographic scans to design prostheses.