The role of imaging in penile fracture our experience
INTRODUCTION: Fracture of the penis is a urological casualty resulting from a tear in the tunica albuginea of the penis. The diagnosis of suspicion is based fundamentally on the data obtained by means of clinical presentation and physical examination. Penile ultrasound is a useful, quick and innocuous test for suspected cavernous body ruptures.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We observed 22 patients with suspected asymptomatic penile trauma. All of them underwent a Colour Doppler US examination, 5 of them an MRI scan. A functional US with stimulation was not carried
out immediately, neither was a retrograde urethrography performed.
RESULTS: No lesions were found in six patients and only one patient underwent partial penectomy. The other patients received conservative treatments, such as cold compressive bandaging of the penis and the administration of fibrinolysis.
CONCLUSION: Penile fracture is underestimated because the traumas are often kept silent. Early diagnostic imaging management permits evaluation of the best procedure to adopt and whether surgery is necessary or not.