Improvement of the energy system efficiency by a ground source heat pumps system in a sport center
This paper presents the project and the economic and environmental evaluation of a ground source heat pump system implemented in a sport centre located in Sora (Italy). The first step of the work has been the estimation and the analysis of the energy consumption of the building, using the energy bills to validate the results. In order to improve the energy system efficiency, three different solution have been proposed and analysed. The first option consists of a geothermal plant and a solar panel plant. The second solution includes a CHP system in order to satisfy the electrical request of the heat pump. The third solution is composed by the geothermal and solar plants, the CHP system and the condensation boiler to produce the remaining thermal power. The three solutions have been compared by the economic point of view and the environmental one. The results highlight that the first option (geothermal + solar system) is not economically favourable. Instead, considering the national subsidy, the two hybrid plants show a positive cash flow due to the boosting received by the CHP and the condensation boiler.