Micro-incubator based on lab-on-glass technology for nanosatellite missions
The study and quantification of the effects of the space environment on human body is a primary task for future manned deep space missions. The risk models for radiation exposures incurred by astronauts beyond low-Earth orbit, have different limitations due to the difficulty to have terrestrial parallels on which to base risk estimates. Indeed, no terrestrial sources fully reproduce the deep space energy spectrum and the multi directional flux of the cosmic radiation. In situ analysis would therefore be fundamental in order to enable reliable studies about the effects of the radiation environment on living organisms as well as to evaluate customized radiological countermeasures for astronauts. A micro-incubator suitable for cubesat missions for studying in situ the effects of the space environment on cellular cultures is presented. The device is based on lab-on-chip technology with integrated thin-film sensors and actuators for the active control of the environmental conditions of the cell culture and for the monitoring of its metabolic status. In particular, the device includes an incubation chamber connected to a microfluidic network for the supply of nutrients and/or pharmaceuticals. A second network is used for the distribution of carbon dioxide through a thin gas-permeable membrane. On-chip on-demand production of carbon dioxide can be eventually achieved from the pyrolysis of sodium bicarbonate stored in a separate reservoir with a dedicated thin film heater. The same network can be used to supply a controlled atmosphere from a pressurized tank. The on-chip hydrogenated amorphous silicon photodiodes are used to measure the light emitted by genetically-modified cell cultures that express a bio-luminescent behavior when subjected to given stress conditions. Accurate temperature control is achieved by means of additional on-chip thin-film diodes and a transparent indium-tin-oxide heater located beneath the incubation chamber. From technological point of view, the system relies on the combination of different thin- and thick-film fabrication technologies jointly used with the aim to achieve a compact, automated and low-power device that represents a viable solution for biological experiments aboard cubesat satellites.