Sistemi insediamentali dell’età del Bronzo nei bacini del fiume Secchia e del torrente Dragone

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Cardarelli Andrea, Pellacani Gianluca, Bellori Fabio, Calicetti Paolo, Crotti Marcello

We present an addition to the Atlante dei Beni Archeologici della Provincia di Modena, vol. II (a catalog of archaeological sites in Modena Apennine published in 2006), reporting new field surveys and excavations (2007-2010) carried out on Bronze Age settlements in the Secchia River and Dragone Stream basins. The settlements, especially during the Middle and Recent Bronze Age, were aimed at controlling the tracks along the Secchia River and the Dragone Stream. In these phases, in addition to the mountain-top sites, many settlements were concentrated along the Secchia and Dragone tracks, probably in connection with copper ore mines near Poggio Bianco Dragone and with native copper outcrops in Monte Modino.

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