The enhanced cognitive interview: could individual differences in Visuo-Spatial Working Memory explain differences in recalling an event?
The Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) is one of the most useful witness
interviews, consisting of 5 techniques (context reinstatement: CR; report everything:
RE, mental imagery: MI, change order: CO and change of perspectives: CP) aimed at
increasing both the quantity and the quality of elements recalled. All the techniques
require mental imagery skills.
The present study investigates the relationship between forward and backward visuospatial
working memory (VSWM) and correct elements recalled through the ECI
with respect to its techniques. 99 college students (48 males) watched a colour
videotape of a fictional crime and performed a visuo-spatial working memory task.
The following day they were interviewed about what they had seen. Results showed
that high forward VSWM capacity has a role in favouring the total amount of correct
information recalled, specifically in the MI technique. This suggests that maintaining
and processing mood-related contents in VSWM is easier for individuals with high
working memory skills