Adaptive design through nature-based technologies and solutions: an innovative process characterising urban regeneration

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Andreucci Maria Beatrice, Coccolo Silvia, Theochari Dimitra, Naboni Emanuele

Within the built environment, a shift is occurring in the sustainable agenda from a narrow focus on improving building energy performance and minimisation of environmental impacts, to a broader framework. The latest is defined as Regenerative, as it embraces and adapts the built environment and its infrastructures to climate change, placing the urban ecosystem and the people at the core of the design task. Whereas the theoretical level of Regenerative Design is defined, the potential benefits of nature-based solutions and technologies are seldom exploited in practice. Implementing Regenerative design at the urban scale means to integrate solutions for energy transition, sustainable water management, human comfort and health, food security. The proposed contribution, developed under the framework of the on-going COST Action CA 16114 RESTORE ‘REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy’, presents the multi-disciplinary challenges of exploring adaptive regenerative urban design through a selection of case studies that deploy nature-based technologies and solutions. The focus is on evidence-based design vis-à-vis the achievement of resilient, healthy and inclusive urban landscapes.

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