Difficoltà alessitimiche e funzionamento familiare in adolescenza: uno studio sui cluster familiari
Alexithymia and family functioning in adolescence: a study on family clusters
Several studies have stressed the importance of the ability to identify and describe emotions to psychological well-being in adolescence. However, fewer studies have investigated adolescents’ alexithymic difficulties in relation to family functioning. The aim of this study was to investigate the alexithymic difficulties of adolescents belonging to the general population, in relation to their family functioning, taking into account their psychopathological risk. The sample was composed of N=314 families with adolescents. Adolescents filled out some self-report questionnaires for the evaluation of alexithymic difficulties and psychopathological risk and mothers, fathers and adolescents filled out a questionnaire for the evaluation of family functioning. In order to verify the presence of different family functioning, authors have conducted a cluster analysis, which identified four distinct profiles of family functioning. Then, covariance analysis was conducted, which showed greater somatization and hostility in adolescents with families that show less cohesion and flexibility and greater levels ofenmeshment or disengagement. Moreover, adolescents belonging to these families reported more difficulties in describing emotions and more concrete thinking.