Digital Innovation and Design Complexity
The transformations created about the design activity by the several challenges started by the economies crisis, climate change and environmental emergencies, together with the impact of the Web and ICT on social and productive systems, highlight many critical issues, but also significant prospects for updating concerning places, forms, contents and operating methods of “making architecture”, at all levels and scales.
In this context, the cultural tradition and disciplinary identity of Architectural Technology provide visions and effective operating practices characterized by new ways of managing and controlling the process with the definition of roles, skills and contents related to the production chains of the circular economy/green and to real and virtual performance simulations.
The volume collects the results of the remarks and research and experimentation work of members of SITdA - Italian Society of Architectural Technology, outlining scenarios of change useful for orienting the future of research concerning the raising of the quality of the project and of the construction.