The structural significance in the conservation plan of the Stadio Flaminio by Pier Luigi and Antonio Nervi in Rome

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Romeo Francesco

In this paper the conservation issues related to the reinforced concrete structure of the Stadio Flaminio in Rome, by Pier Luigi and Antonio Nervi, are addressed. Towards this goal, the original structural design and the current state are critically compared. The actual conservation state of the overall structure is evaluated on the basis of the safety assessment of the building, mainly focused on its seismic vulnerability. The assessment is carried out by considering at first the structural survey (archive data, 3D point clouds acquisition, destructive and non-destructive tests), aimed at defining the "level of knowledge" of the structure. After preliminary analyses aimed at studying the stadium response under non-seismic actions, a 3D finite element model of the entire structure, as originally conceived by Nervi, was developed for static and dynamic analyses. Finally, a different 3D model was defined, representing the actual configuration of the stadium. A comparison of the structural response for the two configurations (design and actual) is carried and main structural criticalities discussed. Safety assessment issues stemming from the application of current reinforced concrete technical codes for modern architecture heritage buildings are highlighted. The critical areas and elements with respect to seismic loads are identified; guidelines for interventions enabling to preserve the original construction significance are considered for future structural improvement of the stadium.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma