High order asymptotic dynamics of a nonlinearly coupled electromechanical system

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Settimi Valeria, Romeo Francesco
ISSN: 0022-460X

A nonlinearly coupled mathematical model of an electro-magneto-mechanical system is studied via the multiple scale approach in order to investigate its weakly nonlinear dynamics and analytically predict its salient features. The obtained amplitude modulation equations up to the third order perturbation allow to analytically describe the mechanical and electrical responses in terms of frequency-response curves and stability scenarios. A critical threshold of Hopf bifurcation is detected and analyzed as a function of the main system parameters. The subsequent extension of the asymptotic scheme up to the fifth order proves to grasp also the post-critical behavior, providing with the accurate identification of the amplitude of the quasiperiodic responses characterizing the unstable region of the ordinary differential equations system.

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