Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged-particle production in Xe+Xe collisions at sNN =5.44 TeV with the ATLAS detector

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Aad G., Abbott B., Abbott D. C., Abed Abud A., Abeling K., Abhayasinghe D. K., Abidi S. H., Abouzeid O. S., Abraham N. L., Abramowicz H., Abreu H., Abulaiti Y., Acharya B. S., Achkar B., Adachi S., Adam L., Adam Bourdarios C., Adamczyk L., Adamek L., Adelman J., Adersberger M., Adiguzel A., Adorni S., Adye T., Affolder A. A., Afik Y., Agapopoulou C., Agaras M. N., Aggarwal A., Agheorghiesei C., Aguilar-Saavedra J. A., Ahmadov F., Ahmed W. S., Ai X., Aielli G., Akatsuka S., Åkesson T. P. A., Akilli E., Akimov A. V., Al Khoury K., Alberghi G. L., Albert J., Alconada Verzini M. J., Alderweireldt S., Aleksa M., Aleksandrov I. N., Alexa C., Alexopoulos T., Alfonsi A., Alfonsi F., Alhroob M., Ali B., Aliev M., Alimonti G., Allaire C., Allbrooke B. M. M., Allen B. W., Allport P. P., Aloisio A., Alonso F., Alpigiani C., Alshehri A. A., Alvarez Estevez M., Alviggi M. G., Amaral Coutinho Y., Ambler A., Ambroz L., Amelung C., Amidei D., Amor Dos Santos S. P., Amoroso S., Amrouche C. S., An F., Anastopoulos C., Andari N., Andeen T., Anders C. F., Anders J. K., Andreazza A., Andrei V., Anelli C. R., Angelidakis S., Angerami A., Anisenkov A. V., Annovi A., Antel C., Anthony M. T., Antipov E., Antonelli M., Antrim D. J. A., Anulli F., Aoki M., Aparisi Pozo J. A., Aperio Bella L., Araque J. P., Araujo Ferraz V., Araujo Pereira R., Arcangeletti C., Arce A. T. H., Arduh F. A., Arguin J. -F., Argyropoulos S., Arling J. -H., Armbruster A. J., Armstrong A., Arnaez O., Arnold H., Arrubarrena Tame Z. P., Artoni G., Artz S., Asai S., Asawatavonvanich T., Asbah N., Asimakopoulou E. M., Asquith L., Assahsah J., Assamagan K., Astalos R., Atkin R. J., Atkinson M., Atlay N. B., Atmani H., Augsten K., Avolio G., Ayoub M. K., Azuelos G., Bachacou H., Bachas K., Backes M., Backman F., Bagnaia P., Bahmani M., Bahrasemani H., Bailey A. J., Bailey V. R., Baines J. T., Bakalis C., Baker O. K., Bakker P. J., Bakshi Gupta D., Balaji S., Baldin E. M., Balek P., Balli F., Balunas W. K., Balz J., Banas E., Bandyopadhyay A., Banerjee S., Bannoura A. A. E., Barak L., Barbe W. M., Barberio E. L., Barberis D., Barbero M., Barbour G., Barillari T., Barisits M. -S., Barkeloo J., Barklow T., Barnea R., Barnett B. M., Barnett R. M., Barnovska-Blenessy Z., Baroncelli A., Barone G., Barr A. J., Barranco Navarro L., Barreiro F., Barreiro Guimarães Da Costa J., Barsov S., Bartoldus R., Bartolini G., Barton A. E., Bartos P., Basalaev A., Basan A., Bassalat A., Basso M. J., Bates R. L., Batlamous S., Batley J. R., Batool B., Battaglia M., Bauce M., Bauer F., Bauer K. T., Bawa H. S., Beacham J. B., Beau T., Beauchemin P. H., Becherer F., Bechtle P., Beck H. C., Beck H. P., Becker K., Becot C., Beddall A., Beddall A. J., Bednyakov V. A., Bedognetti M., Bee C. P., Beermann T. A., Begalli M., Begel M., Behera A., Behr J. K., Beisiegel F., Bell A. S., Bella G., Bellagamba L., Bellerive A., Bellos P., Beloborodov K., Belotskiy K., Belyaev N. L., Benchekroun D., Benekos N., Benhammou Y., Benjamin D. P., Benoit M., Bensinger J. R., Bentvelsen S., Beresford L., Beretta M., Berge D., Bergeaas Kuutmann E., Berger N., Bergmann B., Bergsten L. J., Beringer J., Berlendis S., Bernardi G., Bernius C., Berry T., Berta P., Bertella C., Bertram I. A., Bessidskaia Bylund O., Besson N., Bethani A., Bethke S., Betti A., Bevan A. J., Beyer J., Bhattacharya D. S., Bhattarai P., Bi R., Bianchi R. M., Biebel O., Biedermann D., Bielski R., Bierwagen K., Biesuz N. V., Biglietti M., Billoud T. R. V., Bindi M., Bingul A., Bini C., Biondi S., Birman M., Bisanz T., Biswal J. P., Biswas D., Bitadze A., Bittrich C., Bjørke K., Blazek T., Bloch I., Blocker C., Blue A., Blumenschein U., Bobbink G. J
ISSN: 2469-9985

This paper describes the measurements of flow harmonics v2-v6 in 3μb-1 of Xe+Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV performed using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Measurements of the centrality, multiplicity, and pT dependence of the vn obtained using two-particle correlations and the scalar product technique are presented. The measurements are also performed using a template-fit procedure, which was developed to remove nonflow correlations in small collision systems. This nonflow removal is shown to have a significant influence on the measured vn at high pT, especially in peripheral events. Comparisons of the measured vn with measurements in Pb+Pb collisions and p+Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV are also presented. The vn values in Xe+Xe collisions are observed to be larger than those in Pb+Pb collisions for n=2, 3, and 4 in the most central events. However, with decreasing centrality or increasing harmonic order n, the vn values in Xe+Xe collisions become smaller than those in Pb+Pb collisions. The vn in Xe+Xe and Pb+Pb collisions are also compared as a function of the mean number of participating nucleons, (Npart), and the measured charged-particle multiplicity in the detector. The v3 values in Xe+Xe and Pb+Pb collisions are observed to be similar at the same (Npart) or multiplicity, but the other harmonics are significantly different. The ratios of the measured vn in Xe+Xe and Pb+Pb collisions, as a function of centrality, are also compared to theoretical calculations. © 2020 CERN.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma