Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

First observations of gravitational waves stimulated several astrophysics fields, opening to the era of gravitational wave imaging of the universe. The natural outcome of the efforts spent on current detectors in the last five years is the rekindling of the planning concerning the next generation of ground-based detectors, whose target is to detect coalescence gravitational-wave emission from the whole universe and extending the bandwidth to the lowest frequency technically possible with ground-based devices. Concepts and ideas on viable solutions leading that target were reflected on the literature in the last ten years , but the science case for 3rd generation detector (3G) network was fully motivated only after first observations. Compared to present detectors, 2nd generation (2G), 3G interferometers will have longer baselines, ranging from 10 to 40 km depending on the optical layout adopted. In the specific case of the Einstein Telescope, conceived under worldwide voluntary effort and sustained by European auspices through dedicated R&D programs (FP6-7, Horizon2020), other two relevant features are foreseen: underground and cryogenics.
Gravitational wave group at Sapienza pioneered concerned cryogenics R&D and through the years tightly collaborated with KAGRA on payload, seismic suspension and control issues. Now we have a great opportunity to further contribute to the design of core solutions leading to ET. We apply for a support that will be finalised along two main lines, both concerning payload cryogenics: A) test-mass suspension material performance at low temperature and B) Vibration and Structural-dynamics studies of large cryostat, which are meant to host 500 kg payloads. Indeed, the two themes of this research are tightly interlaced. We have matured specific expertise and worldwide collaboration with the most advanced groups pursuing this research and plan to let it further grow-up at Sapienza towards ET technical design.

Componenti gruppo di ricerca: 

After the first pioneering research, a great progress on cryogenics applications has been done thanks to the Japanese effort and benefits of the existence of an actual interferometer (KAGRA), studied first using a prototype (CLIO), both in underground.

Over the years many issues emerged providing some research investment directions towards ET. We collaborated in this context and plan to pursue the development, which indeed starts open several question marks.

Our priorities:

1) Large Cryostat design
This topic is quite a vaste task, we concern on
- vibration impact on the payload from the inner radiation shield
- clearance, access and environment, surrounding the payload
- structural mechanics studies
- Vibration sensing devices in cryogenics (notice Fig.5, high sensitivity and at low frequency it is not trivial, see Fig.5 ).

2) Payload components
Cryogenic tests will concern:

- Sapphire fibres (withe heads)
- Blades
- contact surface investigation
- Viable solutions for Large Mass mirror suspension
- Marionette blade clamping
- Possible innovative Marionette design for test mass orientation and control
- Alternative solutions Silicon/Sapphire hybrid

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma