
The Hyp-ACB facility is a complex infrastructure able to measure, under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, the metabolic activity of living cells, with particular attention to the respiratory activity of mitochondria, in parallel with analysis of gene expression. The facility allows monitoring cell metabolism and gene expression under variable oxygen tensions, thus reproducing more closely the cell or tissue microenvironment(s) in both physiological and pathological conditions.

Understanding how metabolism and gene expression can be turned on or off in a concerted manner allows unravelling the molecular mechanisms underlying physiological metabolic homeostasis and what goes awry in disease. It will also provide information on how biological systems react to environmental stimuli. Possible applications of this technology include multiple areas of biological research, spanning from molecular oncology, cardiovascular diseases, immunology, neurodegeneration, metabolic disorders, ageing, stem cells,tissue engineering, host-pathogen interactions, toxicology, drug discovery, environmental biology, bioengineering, nutrition etc.

The Hyp-ACB laboratory includes the following key equipment :

  • Seahorse XFe96 Agilent

  • Hypoxic cabin Don Whitley  mod. i2 Workstation

  • Sterile hood Thermo Scientific MSC ADVANTAGE 1.2

  • Incubator Thermo Scientific FORMA Steri-cycle 250i

  • Microscope EVOS XL CORE Invitrogen

  • Real-Time PCR Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 3

Fonte di Finanziamento: 
Media o grande attrezzatura acquisita/cofinanziata con fondi di Ateneo
anno del bando: 
anno di collaudo: 
Nome e acronimo del laboratorio o locale che ospita l'attrezzatura: 
Room S32/S33
CU027 - Fisiologia Umana Farmacia e Medicina
Servizi offerti: 
The Hyp-ACB will perform two major analyses under controlled oxygen tension: • Seahorse XFe96 based analyses of mitochondrial function, glycolysis and fuels. • Gene expression profiling of Core Gene Set, related to energy and redox metabolism. Custom Gene expression profiling will be available upon request. A simple fee-for-service model is difficult to apply given the complexity of the platform, and Hyp- ACB is structured for extensive advising and collaboration. Training includes experimental design and execution and analysis of data. Plasticware, media and reagents, and cell lines will be provided by the end-users, unless otherwise agreed. In general, 3 different types of access are planned: BASIC - Access by expert users (only instruments usage) INTERMEDIATE - Access by non expert users (materials, instruments and sample handling by Facility Staff) ADVANCED - Access by non expert users (as for INTERMEDIATE plus experimental design and data analysis by facility Staff)
Numero di utenti per anno: 
Elenco Imprese utenti: 
Elenco altri utenti: 
Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Istituto Mendel
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata (IDI)
Istituto Pasteur Italia _ Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti
Ricavi - trasferimenti interni: 
fatture emesse: 
spese manutenzione: 
Ditta con la quale è stato stipulato un eventuale contratto di manutenzione: 
Description of research activity: 
Metabolic reprogramming is an hallmark of different physiological and pathological conditions. Acquiring the metabolic signature of many physio-pathological processes is crucial to design therapeutic strategies and identify novel biologically relevant targets. Examples of the main research activities carried out by the infrastructure are listed below. -Metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells with different genetic backgrounds and different micro-environments. System: cancer cell lines from breast, lung, colon, leukemia. Patient derived fibroblasts. -Effect of genetic defects affecting neurodevelopment and circadian rhythm. System: patient-derived fibroblasts. -Metabolic reprogramming in the innate inflammatory response. System: microglia. -Targeting by small molecule or other inhibitors of metabolic genes in cancer. System: cancer cell lines from breast, lung, colon, leukemia.
Description of Third Mission activity: 
The platform is open to measurements from external Companies.
Description of educational/training activity: 
Access to the platform and highly specialized training is offered to master and PhD students, as well as post-docs from national and international laboratories, also in the framework of international agreements (as for example MSCA-ITN and COST actions Short Term Scientific Missions).
Description of other activities: 
Very recently, in the framework of the INFRAIA-2020 call for Starting Infrastructures (Project MOSBRI), the host department and the HYP-ACB infrastructure were selected for TransNational Access Scheme, funded by the European Commission.
Responsabile dell'Attrezzatura:
Settore ERC: 
Ambiti tecnologici trasversali - Key Enabling Technologies: 
Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
Keyword iris: 
gene expression profile
Stato dell'attrezzatura: 
In funzione

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma