The identification of diagnostic and therapeutic markers, as well as of molecular targets for developing new disease-modifying drugs, represent a major challenge in cancer and neurodegenerative research. Projects have been lanced at the Department of Sense Organs of Sapienza University with the aims to investigate on the risk factors for insurgence and progression of eye, nose and ear disorders. A particular attention is given to the study of the molecular and cellular events which concur to the aggressively of Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and the degeneration of optic nerve and retina in Glaucoma e Age-related Macular Degeneration.
The approaches of both research lines include:
1: clinical studies to identify biomarkers using tissue and blood samples from patients;
2: in vitro studies using cellular lines and primary cells to investigate ligand/receptor interaction, and intracellular mechanisms related to cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation/transformations;
3: in vivo studies using animal models to analyse the validity and efficacy of biomarkers or treatments.
As corollary of these studies, the present project applies for a financial support for technical instrument updating. Specifically, the laboratory work might benefit from a new platform for a multimode high resolution image capture and acquisition, associated to a refined imagine analysing software to allow the easy and fast detection of specific molecules, and their activation status in cells, tissues and fluids. The new instrument might permit to standardize protocols, which may be easier to transfer to clinical routine laboratory, and support the analysis of protein structures and their post-translational modifications, including identification of subunits by using high technology tools, such as for example mass-spectrometry-based methods, which is a prerequisite for designing new compounds with selective molecular targets.
To perform the experimental plan described above, it is essential a multimode image capture and image acquisition instrument. To date several technical equipments are available: the Invitrogen iBright FL1000, the Azure c600, the Fusion SOLO S powerful, easy-to-use western blot and gel documentation system for DNA, RNA, protein, colorimetric or photometric analysis. They provides sensitive, streamlined, multimode image capture and connects to the user through a large capacitive touch screen interface and intelligently designed software to provide stunningly easy western blot and gel imaging.
In addition, in particular iBright FL1000 is upgradeable with dedicated chemiluminescence system with extendable fluorescence capabilities; optional epi or trans-illumination options for blot or gel; adaptable to Spectra Capsules for Epi UV, blue, green, red, NIR, IR fluorescence options on blots. This equipment offers a reproducible and comparable quantification data; dedicated software to obtain the optimum image for quantification by scientific TIFF file or proprietary file format. Last but not least, it shows a long lasting high quality by Stainless steel, aluminium and steel darkroom for the best robustness; proven camera robustness; white light LED for thousands of hours of use and interchangeable transilluminator. To date these acquisition image systems offer the ideal instrumentation to perform the experimental plan above described. Propedeutic analysis of measurement of DNA, RNA and protein it is possible to perform by Qubit instrument. This is a fast, simple and accurate measurement of RNA quality The Qubit RNA IQ test provides a quick and simple method to check if an RNA sample has degraded. The assay uses two unique dyes: one that binds to large and intact RNA and another that selectively binds to small and degraded RNA. Together they allow to quickly assess the quality and integrity of an RNA sample. To use, simply add the samples to the RNA IQ working solution, then measure the Qubit fluorometer 4. Save samples and bench space The carefully designed Qubit 4 Fluorometer requires samples of only 1-20 mr. It is intended for use at room temperature and occupies only a small amount of counter space. The Qubit 4 Fluorometer is equipped with advanced optical and data analysis algorithms, is equipped with USB key and cable for data transfer in Excel software and software downloads, as well as a universal power supply, four adapters and CE electromagnetic certification. Individual sample measurements are child's play This user-friendly fluorometer is combined with simple and fast dosing procedures. Calculations and settings are performed automatically by the instrument. Qubit assays for use with the Qubit 4 Fluorometer are all performed using the same general protocol, which uses a simple mix-and-read format with incubation times of only two minutes for DNA and RNA analysis. Thin wall 500 L PCR tubes are required.