Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

Tritium, the heavy isotope of hydrogen, is generated in both fusion and fission reactors due to neutron interaction with elements such as lithium and boron. Since tritium is radioactive, it can represent a risk for human health if it builds-up and it is released from the containment system. Anti-permeation coatings are being developed in order to reduce tritium permeation from a liquid metal, LiPb for the Water Cooled Lithium-Lead Breeding Blanket (WCLL BB) and Pb for Lead Fast Reactors (LFR), to Primary Heat Transfer Systems, the reactors water cooling loops. The aim of this project is to perform the preliminary design of a facility, named APRIL (Alumina-coating for tritium Permeation Reduction for Innovative LFR), which will aim to characterize the permeation reduction factor (PRF) of candidate coatings in static conditions at relevant operative conditions. In order to measure the PRF of the coatings, three tubes, that simulate the pipes of heat exchangers of the fission and fusion reactors, will be installed in APRIL, two coated with nanoceramic alumina, while the other will be made of bare steel. Deuterium, simulating tritium, will permeate into the pipes from a chamber filled with a mixture of helium and deuterium at a known concentration, allowing to evaluate the PRF by means of the ratio between the measured permeated flux in an uncoated pipe and in a coated one.
The coating fabrication techniques that will be tested are the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). The tests will be carried out with the pipes filled with pressurized steam (100 bar) at relevant temperature for the fusion or fission application: 480°C, steam generator conditions of ALFRED LFR, or 328°C, water loop of the WCLL BB. Different deuterium partial pressures will be used in the tests to cover the entire range of interest of both reactors.

Componenti gruppo di ricerca: 

The development of anti-permeation coatings is deemed a fundamental milestone towards the possibility to achieve sustainable energy production from fusion nuclear reactors and reduce tritium wastes in fission reactors. As a matter of fact, without high performance tritium barriers, tritium would permeate outside the primary loop and would lead to unacceptable risks for the operators and for the environment. Indeed, coatings will reduce the tritium permeation through the structural material of nuclear power plant in order to avoid high tritium concentrations in the water and in the work areas. Moreover, the permeation barriers allow to minimize tritiated wastes and possible structural material embrittlement.
This project is relevant for both fission and fusion research because the facility that will result from it will allow to characterize two of the reference coating technologies for the DEMO and ALFRED reactors. Moreover, and here stands the innovative nature of this project, the APRIL facility will allow to test for the first time those coatings in relevant operative conditions. From a recent literature review, even though some studies do exist that tested coating technologies with relevant parameters, no coating technique has still been tested at relevant operative conditions (temperature, deuterium partial pressure), with relevant geometries (diameters, shapes, thicknesses ¿) and with relevant media (water, steel and alumina) simultaneously.
Therefore, the results of this project will have a positive impact in the tritium permeation barrier research field by providing the researchers a unique and pioneering facility that will hopefully allow to select the most suitable coating technique for both the DEMO-WCLL BB concept and ALFRED LFR.

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma